is a Workshop in University of Yaşar at 06.05.2013 which is for Visual Communucation I and II year students
It is always confusing and difficult to pick a main idea for a work. What should it be about? What would it mean to the others? How will the viewer receive it? Started on the research of the ideal keyword to be written on the fabric. Finally we all agreed and ended up on "Αyran" a response to Tayip Erdogan's Alcohol Law.
It is always confusing and difficult to pick a main idea for a work. What should it be about? What would it mean to the others? How will the viewer receive it? Started on the research of the ideal keyword to be written on the fabric. Finally we all agreed and ended up on "Αyran" a response to Tayip Erdogan's Alcohol Law.
Sending a political message through an artistic project is the direct expression of our feelings against the situations our country has been through the last years.
Returning to the process, after finding the main idea " Ayran", I started by drawing the first lines of the text while the students painted and wrote freely their desires.The work was finished by painting inside the letters and drawing the outlines.
My heartfull thanks and apreciation for all the participants and a special thanks to Emgin, Hakan Ertep, Demet Atınçoğlu, Orkun Destici .
------------------------thank you------------------------