

The brief of the project was about finding and expressing our worse fears or psychological conditions that influence us negatively or positively. I picked the idea of ‘expectation’ (expect something from someone) as a disturbing and torturing mental process that I experienced in the past. During the brainstorming session, I came up with some words, such as, religion, obsession, love, hate etc. I realized that the word and meaning of ‘expectation’ resonated well with the idea of ‘religion’ drawing from my personal experiences.
After several trials with the subject of religion as my main theme, I chose to create a board game as the vehicle to explain the idea of expectation. Naturally, in all board games players want to win, so the system of my game is based on the idea of winning, and in this religious-oriented game, my players will win if they go to a place called ‘heaven’. The player who reaches this goal first, he/she can earn the right to learn the main secrets of the world and the key to go to heaven. However, when the winner picks one card to get to know the secrets, he/she realizes though a sequence of Q&As that there is no heaven or hell. What this game is about is the idea of manipulation and controlling of people’s minds with social and cultural constructs, such as the various religions around the world.